Builderplus: your most powerful tool.

You can choose to import bills from QSplus, WinQs or Excel, or simply enter your measurements directly into Builderplus.

Builderplus is updated online regularly, so you can be assured of the most up-to-date material and labour prices at your fingertips for accurate pricing.

Builderplus comes equipped with powerful, easy to use templates, designed specially to streamline the pricing of measured items.

Once you have costed net unit rates, you can adjust mark up and overheads to calculate profit before submitting your bid. A neat, presentable document is created for you to submit to the client.

Simply mark the items to be subcontracted in the bill of quantities, and forward it to selected subcontractors for them to price and return for inclusion in your net bill. You can use the subcontractor labour rate instead of your own for any item.

List all your material and labour needs and costs clearly to ensure you secure the resources you need on the job. A neat, presentable document is created for printing, emailing or on-screen viewing.